Holden Finance Committee Meeting Minutes
September 22, 2010
Town Hall
Members present: Al Berg, Jim Dunn, Paul Challenger, Peter Lacy, Rick Bates, Don Mancini, Marilynn Foley
Also present: Nancy Galkowski, Town Manager; Jim Shuris, Director of Public Works; Tom Pandiscio, Superintendent, WRSD; Peter Brennan, Comptroller, WRSD; David White, Selectman
The meeting was called to order at 7:00
George Balko, Town Moderator, was unable to attend this meeting. Al will meet with George before our next meeting in October.
Jim Shuris discussed the Water/Sewer budget deficit with the Committee. He explained what had happened to cause the deficit. (MWRA did not give Holden advance notice on pump station work and FEMA did not reimburse as expected for ice storm damage.) There will be an article on the Special Town Meeting warrant to appropriate $45,000.00 from storm drainage funds to close out the W/S F/Y ’10 budget. A motion by Paul, 2nd by Jim to appropriate $45,000.00 from unspent available funds to close out F/Y’10 W/S budget was voted unanimously.
Tom Pandiscio and Peter Brennan explained the proposed feasibility study for Mountview School. The MSBA has looked at Mountview and found there is a need to address renovating or replacing the building. There will be a warrant article at the November Special Town Meeting to approve up to $675,000.00 for the projected feasibility study. The cost is based on the square footage and the number of students. The Finance Committee will tour Mountview before the Special Town Meeting.
The Capital Planning Committee and the Department Heads plan to meet with the Finance Committee, as well as the Town Manager and Board of Selectmen during budget deliberations.
The committee will send a letter to Nancy concerning the Resource Profile and the Budget Book outlining the ideas discussed with Nancy and the Committee for recommended format changes.
A motion by Rick, 2nd by Jim to accept the minutes of June 7, 2010 as amended.
The meeting adjourned at 9:23.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Clerk